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Riyaz Naikoo Backs 'Pakistan & Hurriyat' In New Viral Video On Social Media | KNO



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Srinagar (KNO) : Hizb-ul-Mujahideen operational commander Riyaz Naikoo backs pakistan and supported ideology of pakistan in a new viral video on social media. In a viral video he interacts with other associates and makes them aware about current situation of Kashmir he started with a Salaam (Greetings) and thanked Allah (GOD) about he chooses all of us on this path and assembled here together we all are from different locations and we taked birth from different mother’s but still in our hearts we all have love and affection with each other and we all ready to sacrifice everything on each other the reason for that sacrifice is that we all have a relation of Religion with each other if we see we don’t have anykind of relation on the behalf of world but if we see it from the behalf of our religion we are brothers in that viral video Riyaz Naikoo recite some lines of Quran (Holy Book Of Muslims) he also elaborated that lines in which he said that Allah said in Quran those who are protagonist are brothers with each other, He also said that our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that you are not protagonist till you don’t have love and affection with each other said Naikoo in viral video.

Our target is only our enemies and those persons who are supporting Indian political parties here we all have to deal with public politely and not to interfere in any civil causes. We have to fight for freedom of Kashmir first then we can create Islamic rule here in Kashmir india got disgraced when he saw our equality everyone here is fighting against them whatever some is fighting with guns some are with stones and some with pen now india wants to create complication between us on the behalf of that the fight of Kashmir is not a fight for Shariyat (Self Rule) but it’s a fight of nationality we are fighting with india for our freedom which is our right said Naikoo. India wants to to make our struggle weak through many ways nowadays a now propaganda was created here in the name of ISIS it’s a plan of india to makle our struggle weak through taking many faces unfortunately some of our brothers became succumb he also said that ISIS is international based terrorist group it’s a group of Israel and USA.

ISIS have only two targets here in Kashmir one is how to disrepute our struggle on international level india cannot fight with Kashmir lonely now they used ISIS for their support nowadays we can see big scholars of islam said about ISIS group is not a Islamic group but it’s a anti Islamic group second target of ISIS is that some of our brothers are a part of that group they want to convince us from them that those who are fighting here for freedom of Kashmir is not fighting for that and they also are not fighting for islam you say against them and create hate among those peoples in the heart of peoples of Kashmir soo india can easily make their way easy what they want to do here. I don’t have any hate or problem with the flag of ISIS but who are backing and supporting them I have objection with that said Naikoo. In our hearts and brains nowadays they are trying to create hate against Pakistan on behalf that there is not a Islamic rule I am also agreed on it that the govt in Pakistan is not a under the banner of Islamic rules its bad luck that the rulers of Pakistan govt is incapable they are not capable for it.

We should look on the reality of Pakistan if we have love for the country of Pakistan and for its people its just behalf of islam otherwise we don’t have any love for Pakistan.India wants that Kashmir should not get any support or help from Pakistan, if Pakistan stop supporting us soo same will happen with us which happened in Burma. In 2016 uprising we faced 6 months of strike curfew etc etc all networks were suspended by Indian govt here at that time only Pakistan raised our voice. Some of our brothers said that Pakistanis are apostasy we don’t need their help,if we say that we don’t need any help from Pakistan soo who will raise our voice in front of the world if our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taked help from jewish that time when some peoples from qureshi wants to attack that time you will support me soo why we can’t take help from Pakistan as a Muslims whatever they are bad or good we can’t make comment on it . Its political origin right and on the behalf of islam they have to make us help and we have to take also help from them its game of india who make controversial between Kashmir and Pakistan said Naikoo.

Before some time some persons came to met with me and they said we want to help and I replied them how much you can help me they replied as much as you need and not for a single time we will help you again and again later I agreed on it but on same time they started a new conversation with me and want to do brain wash me about Hurriyat leaders and Pakistan they used same ideology which Zakir Musa used for Pakistan and Hurriyat leaders but I know their ideology before but u did not responded them on it later I also goy agreed on it and I said them no what we have to do they replied 5 to 6 members from your side and same 5 to 6 members from our side will meet and make promise on it they will do help but for a sometime and later they will make me helpless for issue any statement against Pakistan.

In year of 2014 and 2015 in North there was almost 26 active members and in south there was only 5 to 6 active members at that time one of our brother Shaheed Qayoom Najar announced about his new group lashker e islam and he also said that we don’t have any concern with Pakistan and we don’t need anykind of help from Pakistan later what happened with those 36 active members one by one the count goes down and at end the count reached on zero no north is on zero india did that which they want to do with them if india have any tension here that is gun if some one is helping them that is only Pakistan if we say over selves that we don’t want any kind of help from Pakistan soo day by day we will lose weapons here.

Nowa days india wants to play same game with South whiche he played with north if we support and if we do the same which saheed qayoom najar did soo same thing will happen with us. If we have any kind of support this time that is only from Allah first and then from Pakistan. Pakistan is powerful country because they have nuclear power and all muslims are safe. India don’t want Zakir mussa and all of us here mebers of Zakir musaa members of us and also members of ISIS got killed india just want to make our struggle weak.

Who is making propaganda of ISIS here tell me who is supporting them here ISIS grou are saying we are fighting for caliphate as theyhave much weapons tell me from which country they got successful for implement of caliphate movement till now two things who are supporting them here in Kashmir one is India who is supporting them indirectly and second one are those who are against our struggle said Naikoo.

Second big cause is here that what is role of Hurriyat here and what they are doing here in every war there are two parties one is political party and second one Armor party we don’t have to interfere on their ideology what hurriyat parties have here as we know very well what scarifies they gave till now some member from hurriyat and some member from our faction may be have wrong but that doesn’t mean whole faction is wrong if we found some guilty soo we disowned him not our whole faction its also a game of india who wanted to create hate among peoples of kashmir against hurriyat and our outfit he also said that some one is trying to create mess among leaders of Pakistan who is supporting our ongoing Kashmir struggle he also backs Syed Salhahudin and many other leaders he said that some peoples are saying that they are sitting in Pakistan base camps and they are making helpless poor peoples of Kashmir to come out and hit streets for death you just see one leader namely Amir his brother and son got killed soo how can i raise my voice against his intention and also Syed Salhahudin who left his family from last 20 to 30 years soo how can I forget his sacrifice and I cant make any comment on it, you just see that our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was on Jihad (War) on every war there is field,training center and also base camp soo I cant said Syed Salhahudin to come in field and fight with enemies we have to choose someone for sitting in base camp who will guide soo I think Allah (GOD) has choosed Syed Salhahudin for it and same Allah (GOD) Chooses us for fighting on ground its all just to create hate in between us its also a game of india who want to make our relation week, we should not look the intention of Pakistan what they have for us when our prayer time came soo we don’t think a person who is calling us for prayers (Mouzin) is he a good person or a bad he gave Azaan soo we have to visit Mosque for prayers.

This time what kind of intention and behavior have Syed Salhahudin for us he will get repaid in same manner but we have to look what he is saying for us he is giving invite of Jihad to us I am in touch with him he never told me to do that kind of work which is against our islam soo how can I raise my finger on him as I know very well what kind of scarifies he gave for ongoing Kashmir struggle we have to obey him till he is guiding us under the Islamic law whenever we will observe he is talking beyond Islamic law we will disown him as our leader and will not take any kind of help from him Indian agencies are working how to make our struggle weak and they are using many ways as I mentioned it before also.

We all are leaders here today this responsibly in on my shoulder tomorrow may be it will be on your shoulders we don’t have any guarantee of death who will die and when we don’t know anything. Our nation had sacrificed a lot for our struggle soo don’t do any traitorous with them no one among us will became traitor but unfortunately sometimes our brothers becomes victim of polices made by enemies which make the struggle week sometime indai agencies are working with different faces and have too look their polices which they are using to make our struggle weak we all have to be in contact with those persons who have passion for our islam and our ongoing struggle,Some time some peoples are to trying to defame it by making show off we have passionate with our isalm and on going struggle but they don’t have any passion regarding our islamic struggle in reality they only want to disgrace it.

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said if you have to choose a friend soo you have to think on it very well e,g if we choose a friend with good class soo we will get a good results same case is with if we choose a friend with bad class soo naturally we will get bad results from that said Naikoo. At end Naikoo said may Allah bestow us the life of blissfulness and death of martyr amd may Allah protects us from the sight of evil.


Note:-We Are Not Responsible For Any Query It Is Based On Audio Message Which Is Viral On Social Media.




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